Together we can achieve more


Already knew? Our love for animals does not end with offering high-quality food and care products for four-legged friends. Because we want to do even more! Supporting numerous animal protection projects is therefore a matter close to our hearts.
And what better way could we provide this help than in the form of product donations?

Vitamin, mineral & nutrient levels?

We help further!

A nutrient deficiency is not uncommon, especially for pets that have had to live on the streets for a long period of time or have been neglected by their previous owners. Meanwhile, senior animals who have special vitamin and mineral needs due to their age or previous illnesses often move into so-called sanctuaries.

for our animal joy

So we help in a concrete way

At Annimally we are convinced that what applies to humans also applies to four-legged friends. A balanced diet shouldn't be a question of money. Because a balanced vitamin and nutrient balance is essential for the well-being of our animal friends. And of course, fur care for the rescued four-legged friends should not be neglected. A suitable selection of our products is therefore regularly used where it is needed most: for example in animal shelters, at local animal protection associations or at sanctuaries and animal welfare farms.

Help that arrives

We support these clubs