
Hoof Balm Exclusive

Hoof fat / hoof oil / hoof care

€13,85 / 500 ml

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Same-Day Versand bei Bestellung bis 13 Uhr

€27,70 / l
  • CARE FOR HOOVES: The Exclusive Hoof Ointment provides moisture and ensures healthy, shiny hooves.
  • STRONG HOLD: The consistency, similar to hoof oil, is very easy to apply and adheres more strongly than conventional hoof oils.
  • HIGH-QUALITY INGREDIENTS: Cold-pressed laurel oil, petroleum jelly and natural oils for well-groomed horse feet. Contents: 500 ml
  • LESS IS MORE: With our product we rely on select ingredients and the most effective formula.
  • PROVEN & TESTED: Our products are carefully developed and thoroughly tested to ensure the highest quality.
  • MADE IN GERMANY: Developed and manufactured in Germany – really good for the environment and delivered to you quickly!

Vaseline, laurel oil and vegetable oils

As soon as the horse's or pony's hooves have been cleaned with a brush and water, the hoof ointment can be easily applied with a brush or cloth up to 2 cm above the coronet hairline.
Apply preventively after each cleansing. Alternatively, use acutely for symptoms such as cracks or brittle hooves.

It is best to use the hoof ointment regularly after cleaning and scraping the hooves. However, if your horse already has problems with dried out hooves or even splintering, you should act immediately and apply cream daily.

The product should be kept out of the reach of small children. Please store dry, protected from light and not above 25 °C.

Same Day Versand an Werktagen bei Bestellung bis 13:00.
Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage

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That is why it is needed


Day after day, your horse or pony trots through forests, over sandy areas or paddocks. Only in deep sleep do horses really lie down and protect their bodies. No wonder hooves are often affected. Proper care is therefore really important. Our exclusive hoof ointment helps here!

need healthy hooves


The hooves of many horses and ponies are not adequately hydrated. This is due to the fact that the surface on which Blacky, Snowflake and Co. move often removes a large part of the moisture. The result: brittle, dry hooves or even cracks. And it is very important for our horses that they walk on healthy "feet". A healthy hoof acts like a shock absorber, protecting joints and tendons.

That's how it works

hoof care

If you regularly spoil your pony or horse with our hoof ointment, you will quickly notice that its hooves regenerate. The oils and fats it contains prevent drying out in the long term. So the hoof basically helps itself to heal - cool, right? Dried out horny layers, upholstery and unpleasant splintering are a thing of the past.

The difference to hoof oil

Better adhesion than hoof oil

We are particularly proud of the consistency of our hoof ointment, which is similar to that of hoof fat and makes applying our hoof ointment child's play. The hoof ointment can be applied and distributed very easily with a brush or a cloth. Thanks to its consistency, the ointment also stays in place and does not run off as quickly as hoof oil.


As soon as the horse's or pony's hooves have been cleaned with a brush and water, the hoof ointment can be easily applied with a brush or cloth up to 2 cm above the coronet hairline.
Apply preventively after each cleansing. Alternatively, use acutely for symptoms such as cracks or brittle hooves.

It is best to use the hoof ointment regularly after cleaning and scraping the hooves. However, if your horse already has problems with dried out hooves or even splintering, you should act immediately and apply cream daily.

Einzigartige Rezepturen

von Tierärzten empfohlen


Dipl. ECVS, Fachtierarzt

Vertraue auf die Expertise von Christoph Kühnle, dem Mannschaftstierarzt der Schweizer Dressur-Nationalmannschaft. Mit einer eigenen Pferdeklinik und Spezialisierung in Orthopädie, Sportpferdemedizin und Chirurgie, empfiehlt er unsere Produkte als Teil seiner ganzheitlichen Betreuung. Mit FEI-Zulassung und einer fünfjährigen Zusatzausbildung für Chirurgie ist er eine anerkannte Autorität in der Pferdemedizin. Seine Unterstützung erstreckt sich über Rezepturen und innovative Produktideen – eine Empfehlung aus erster Hand für die optimale Unterstützung Deines Pferdes.

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Malissa ist als Physiotherapeutin und Osteopathin für Pferde und Hunde eine echte Expertin, wenn es um die Gesundheit Deines Wegbegleiters geht. Sie betreibt nicht nur eine eigene Praxis in Norddeutschland, die zahlreiche Therapiemöglichkeiten für Hunde bietet, sondern ist mit ihrer Fahrpraxis für Pferde auch mobil im Einsatz. Dank zahlreicher Fortbildungen kennt sie sich außerdem mit Spezialthemen wie Thermographie, Biomechanik, Akupunktur, Dry Needling, bioelektrischer Funktionsdiagnostik, Taping und Co. bestens aus. Aber damit nicht genug: Malissa ist zudem geprüfte und vom Verband deutscher Tierheilpraktiker-zertifizierte Tierheilpraktikerin. Ihr geballtes Know-how stellt sie uns bei allen Fragen rund um Pferd und Hund zur Verfügung.

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