These 10 foods are toxic to dogs


What foods should your dog absolutely not eat? Our article reveals it.
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Bed, sofa, joy and sorrow - for most dog owners it is clear: I share everything with my darling! But be careful: When it comes to food, dog lovers should avoid this motto. Because what two-legged friends like can, in the worst case, have fatal consequences for their dearest companion. And no - we're not just talking about chocolate here. We'll tell you which foods are better to keep out of your dog's sniffing range and how to recognize signs of poisoning.

10 forbidden foods for dogs and their effects

Dangers lurk everywhere for man's best friend: Whether it's busy roads, less peaceful dog encounters or hot summer temperatures - dog owners have a lot to consider when it comes to protecting their pet. But did you know that seemingly harmless food can also become a deadly trap for your dog? Because some foods that people get well, are anything but suitable for your four-legged friend and his dog's stomach and can lead to poisoning. We have compiled the foods that are most toxic to your dog and explain what they trigger in the dog's body.

1. Avocado

Delicious, rich in vitamins and healthy - that is the avocado fruit for humans. Unfortunately, it's different for dogs. The avocado core can quickly become a choking trap for dogs if swallowed. The light green pulp is also not good for your dog. Already knew? How harmful the avocado really is for your fur nose is still controversial among veterinarians. After consumption, the most common symptoms are heart palpitations, shortness of breath and abdominal water.

Avokado giftig für Hunde

2. Chocolate

Stay away from chocolate!
No surprise: Fortunately, most dog owners know that chocolate and cocoa are poison for their four-legged friends. Because they contain theobromine, which is highly toxic to dogs. Good to know: The darker the chocolate, the higher the theobromine content. This means that dark varieties are particularly dangerous for your dog. After eating chocolate, most dogs suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, increased heart rate, breathing difficulties and cramps.

giftige Schokolade für Hunde

3. Onions

A lesser-known danger for the dog: onions! It doesn't matter if they are yellow or red. Because they contain sulfur substances that destroy the dog's red blood cells. It doesn't matter whether your furry friend eats raw, cooked or dried onions - the risk remains the same. If your dog has caught an onion, he will likely have blood in his urine, changes in his blood count and jaundice afterwards.


4. Steinobst

This is where the danger lurks inside: Because sharp-edged fruit stones can not only injure organs when swallowed - if your four-legged friend bites the fruit stone, hydrocyanic acid is released. It is not only toxic to humans, but also to dogs. The most common symptoms of hydrocyanic acid intake are: severe vomiting, cramps, diarrhea and shortness of breath.


5. Grapes and Raisins

No Go: Grapes and raisins contain oxalic acid, which can lead to intolerance in certain dog breeds. And with resounding power: In bad cases, the consumption of raisins and grapes causes vomiting and kidney failure in your four-legged friend.


6. Raw Pork

Admittedly, raw pork is not a tasty idea for humans either. However, since it may contain the Aujezsky virus, which is deadly for dogs, consumption is significantly more dangerous for your four-legged friend than for you. Because the viral disease cannot be cured and will always be fatal for your dog.

7. Macadamia and walnuts

While walnuts are often infested with toxin-forming fungi, macadamia nuts contain phosphorus and another previously unknown toxin that can be dangerous for your dog. If your dog eats macadamia nuts, this affects its digestive and nervous systems. The result: cramps, fever and signs of paralysis.


8. sweetener

Sweeten drinks, food and co. calorie-free: For many two-legged friends, sweeteners are the savior in times of need. In your dog, on the other hand, the xylitol it contains can ensure that the blood sugar level drops rapidly. The consequences: vomiting and diarrhea.

9. nightshade family

Tomatoes, aubergines and potatoes belong to the nightshade family. In the raw state, they must not get into the dog's snout under any circumstances. Because if your dog eats the uncooked vegetables, it can lead to disorders of the brain functions. Peels and green patches on the surface of vegetables are particularly dangerous.

10. alcohol and caffeine

It should come as no surprise that alcohol and caffeine are taboo for your four-legged friend. Nevertheless, many dog ​​owners do not know what these substances can do to the animal's body. If your dog consumes alcohol, it can lead to chronic liver and kidney damage. In the case of caffeine, the methylxanthine it contains causes tachycardia, vomiting and restlessness.

It's the crowd that counts

While the above foods pose a real threat to your best friend, just because your dog ingested a small amount of the above doesn't mean it's dead. The effects depend heavily on the amount consumed in relation to the weight and size of your dog and any previous illnesses.

If you notice that your fur nose has eaten a taboo food, it still says: Off to the vet now! And that as quickly as possible. Because the time factor also plays a decisive role if you suspect poisoning. The sooner you bring your dog to the veterinary clinic, the higher the chance that the toxic substance can be removed from his body. This can be done, for example, via injections that cause vomiting or by pumping out the stomach. As an expert, the vet can also take other necessary steps to counteract the symptoms of poisoning.


Also important: Precise time and quantity information. Explain to the vet exactly when your four-legged friend ingested what and how much. Has your dog already vomited? Then it is best to take a small part of the expelled mixture with you to the practice. This is especially important if you are not entirely sure what your dog has been eating.

The most common symptoms in dogs in case of poisoning

Unfortunately, dangers lurk for your dog, especially during walks. In addition to potentially poisonous foods, there are poisonous baits that can also cause considerable damage to your treasure if consumed. Dog owners know the situation: the four-legged friend disappears into the bushes and seems to have tracked something down. As soon as the master or mistress begins to scold, the object of desire is already eaten. In the rarest of cases, you can then see exactly what your dog has just eaten.


It is therefore particularly important to know the most common symptoms of poisoning. Do dogs suffer from:

- (bloody) diarrhea and vomiting,

- attacks of weakness or rage,

- Excessive salivation,

- fever or hypothermia,

- tremors and convulsions,

- mucosal bleeding,

there is no time to lose: grab your dog and take him to your trusted vet immediately. In an emergency, your quick reaction and a little poison know-how can save your dog's life.

After poisoning:

In order to support your dog's intestinal flora after poisoning, severe diarrhea or vomiting, you will find the following products in our range:

Colon Vital Pulver

Colon Vital Tablets

Pure brewer's yeast

Recommendation For You